Cybersecurity for ever stage of your business

By: Jay Parks

A finger pushing a computer keyboard button with a file and lock on it.

Cybersecurity may not be the first thing that comes to mind when considering your financial management, but it quickly becomes paramount to your overall risk management strategy!

Your customers' trust in your business is too valuable to lose to a digital attack. As you nurture this trust, implementing robust cybersecurity measures becomes essential. Whether you're just starting or looking to tighten existing security protocols, here are actionable steps every business owner can take:

Risk assessment

Begin with a thorough assessment of your cybersecurity risks. Identify sensitive data, potential vulnerabilities, and areas where a breach could have the most severe impact. This process includes evaluating how data is stored, accessed, and shared and determining the potential vulnerabilities within these systems. Tools like cybersecurity frameworks from NIST can guide you through this process, ensuring you cover all bases.

Network security

Integrate advanced security measures like firewalls and intrusion detection systems to safeguard your business network. Use strong encryption for data transmission and secure your Wi-Fi networks with the latest protocols, ensuring all passwords are strong and regularly updated.

But this can't be a one-man show. Your employees must be on board, or all this work is for nothing. When you build a secure system and protocol, employees who don't follow the guidelines essentially cut holes in your defensive walls! As you develop your protocols, ensure employees are trained on them, understand why they are in place, and aren't so challenging to use that they are bypassed altogether.

Proactive strategies

Implement a rigorous patch management policy to maintain the security integrity of your software. Ensure that all systems are regularly updated to protect against vulnerabilities. Automating these updates can help eliminate human error and ensure your defenses are as robust as possible.

You should also prepare for potential cybersecurity incidents with a detailed incident response plan. This plan should outline immediate actions for containment and mitigation, strategies for investigating the breach, and protocols for external communication and recovery efforts.

Back-ups and disaster recovery

Part of a great plan is having a plan when things don't go the way of the original plan! An incident response plan should outline immediate actions for containment and mitigation, strategies for investigating the breach, and protocols for external communication and recovery efforts.

Also, having a plan for disasters like floods, earthquakes, and tornados, which are all problems here in Oklahoma, can mean your business is still there when the world turns upside down. This is all done to ensure minimal downtime and financial impact from these environmental impacts.

By prioritizing these cybersecurity practices, you protect your financial data and enhance your business's credibility and trustworthiness. Cybersecurity is not just a technical necessity but a fundamental aspect of modern business strategy.